IATI Sphinx Theme#


  1. Install the theme in your Sphinx project.

    pip install iati-sphinx-theme
  2. In your project’s conf.py set the html_theme.

    html_theme = "iati_sphinx_theme"


This theme has multiple options, which can be configured using the html_theme_options object in your conf.py file.

html_theme_options = {
  "github_repository": "https://github.com/organisation/repository",
  "plausible_domain": "example.com",
  "tool_name": "IATI Tool",
  "tool_url": "https://tool.iatistandard.org/",

There is more information on each option below.


This should be a link to the Github repository for the documentation site, and is used to link to the source code in the footer of the site.


To integrate with Plausible Analytics, add the plausible_domain option in your project’s conf.py file.

If your docs site is a subdomain for the site it is documenting, use the top level domain for cross-subdomain tracking. For example, for the Sphinx site docs.example.com, use example.com as your plausible_domain.

html_theme_options = {
  "plausible_domain": "example.com"


The name of the tool which your Sphinx site documents.


The URL of the tool which your Sphinx site documents.